Terms & Conditions

Last updated: 12/03/2024
Terms and Conditions governing the Loyalty Program, Refer-a-Friend, and Partner Rewards provided by The Loan Connection, Company referred to as "TLC"
Loyalty points, Cash Referral Incentives, and Partner Rewards from TLC will be referred to collectively as “Benefits”. The individual who secures a loan through our services will be identified as the “Client”. The individual who provides a referral to our services will be identified as the “Referrer”.

In General (For both Client and Referrer):

  • Both Client and Referrer affirms that they are at least 18 years of age, and possess legal capacity to comprehend and accept these terms and conditions.
  • A Referrer can only be included if the Client is engaging TLC for the first time.
  • The Client and Referrer cannot be the same individual.
  • Details of both Client and Referrer must be verified before Client submits any application/documents to our banker(s).
  • In the rare circumstance that a change of Referrer is requested prior to the acceptance of the loan offer for any reason, TLC mandates written confirmation from the Client, Original Referrer, and New Referrer. Failure to obtain written confirmation from these three parties for any reason empowers TLC to exclude either the Original or New Referrer from any Benefits at our sole discretion. Once the loan offer has been accepted, no changes will be entertained.
  • Benefits are contingent upon TLC receiving the full referral fee from the bank for successful referrals facilitated by us, encompassing the application, approval, and acceptance of the loan offer from the bank by the Client.
  • Banks typically require up to 3 months to finalize payments to brokers.
  • TLC will not assume responsibility for any delayed payment by the bank, regardless of the cause. Requests to expedite Benefits will not be accommodated under such circumstances.
  • In the event that the referral fee is not received or is reduced by the bank for any reason, TLC reserves the right to withhold and/or revoke all Benefits provided to both Referrer and Client. Such action will be taken at our sole discretion.
  • Should the Client sign the loan offer but later withdraw it for any reason, resulting in the bank clawing back the referral fee paid to TLC, both the Referrer and the Client will be required to refund the full value of Benefits provided to them, either via PayNow or another method deemed acceptable by TLC.
  • To remove any ambiguity, TLC maintains the prerogative to render any final decision that we deem suitable for a given situation. This provision overrides all others.
  • Upon the Client’s acceptance of the loan offer, both the Client and Referrer will receive individual emails from TLC outlining the Benefits they are entitled to upon TLC’s receipt of the full referral fee from the bank. Both the Client and Referrer are required to acknowledge receipt of this email.
  • TLC will be able to add, remove or modify any Benefits or terms and conditions without prior notice. Such action will be taken at our sole discretion.
  • Benefits will be honored for cases in which the Client has already accepted the loan offer from the bank.
  • The Benefits will also be extended to cases where the Client has already forwarded the requisite application/documents to our banker(s). However, the actual entitlement to Benefits will be contingent upon successfully fulfilling the requirements outlined below.

Loyalty Program (For both Client and Referrer):

  • TLC points are officially awarded upon TLC receiving the full referral fee from the bank for successful referrals facilitated by us, encompassing the application, approval, and acceptance of the loan offer from the bank by the Client.
  • TLC points do not expire.
  • The Client will be awarded 200 TLC points by taking a loan through us.
  • The Referrer will be awarded 100 TLC points by referring a Client to us successfully.
  • Currently, the awardance, tracking, and redemption of TLC Points for both Referrers and Clients will be managed through email. The email addresses provided by Referrers and Clients during their query submissions will be utilized for this purpose.
  • Upon awardance, TLC points can be promptly exchanged for E-Gift Vouchers according to the provided table here. Please inform us via email of the desired amount of points for redemption.
  • E-Gift Vouchers will be issued within 2 weeks upon redemption request.
  • The usage of the voucher is entirely at your discretion once it has been issued and should adhere to the expiration date stipulated on the voucher.

Refer-A-Friend (For Referrer):

  • Cash Referrals are only paid to the Referrer.
  • The Client will not be paid any Cash Referrals for his/her own loan.
  • The Client must verify the status of his/her Referrer through written means before submitting any application/documents to our banker(s).
  • The Cash Referral is structured in tiers based on the final loan amount, denominated in SGD or its equivalent as stated in the signed loan offer from the bank. More details can be found in the provided table here.
  • If the Client owns multiple properties and signs loan offers for these properties within a month of each other, the loan amounts can be aggregated, potentially allowing the Referrer to qualify for a higher tier Cash Referral.
  • If the Client owns multiple properties but the respective loan offers cannot be signed within a month of each other, TLC will assess each case individually to determine the appropriate Benefits to be provided.
  • The Cash Referral will be paid to the Referrer via Paynow upon TLC receiving the full referral fee from the bank for successful referrals facilitated by us, encompassing the application, approval, and acceptance of the loan offer from the bank by the Client.
  • The Referrer will need to confirm the PayNow number.

Partner Rewards (For Client):

  • Upon accepting these Partner Rewards, the Client acknowledges and agrees to the terms and conditions outlined herein. The Client also commits to informing any individual to whom they choose to transfer the rewards about these terms and conditions.
  • Partner Rewards are only given to the Client.
  • More details regarding Partner Rewards can be found here.
  • Partner Rewards will be given to the Client via email upon TLC receiving the full referral fee from the bank for successful referrals facilitated by us, encompassing the application, approval, and acceptance of the loan offer from the bank by the Client.
  • Once distributed, Partner Rewards are non-exclusive. It is up to the Client to utilize personally, or pass the rewards on to another individual. Do adhere to the respective terms and conditions set by our business partners.
  • Please note that Partner Rewards cannot be exchanged for cash.
  • Additionally, TLC does not gain financially from our Clients’ engagement with our partners’ businesses.
  • Lastly, TLC absolves itself from any liability or responsibility for the products or services provided by our business partners.